
How It Works

Track groomers from the trail!


Each groomer is equipped with a tracking beacon that relays it’s position back to our data center.
That data is then displayed via an app on your Android / iOS mobile device.

As the groomers move they will leave colored lines on the map.

Green line – groomed within the last 12 hours
Yellow line – groomed 12- 24 hours ago
Red line – groomed 24+ hours ago

The app is free to download. As a free user you will be able to see the trails in participating club areas as well as sponsors near those clubs.
If you want to see where the groomers are or have been, you will need to purchase the data for each club that you want access to.
The data for each club is $10 for the season.
(50% of the profit from each purchase is split with the club to help their grooming operation)

Create your free account here


What’s the number one question every snowmobiler asks?
How are the trails?
Followed by: Did you see any groomers?

How can Groomer Tracker help your club?
* Increased tourism – everyone wants to have a great time on vacation, help your visitors locate the very best trails and keep them coming back year after year!
* Safety – display the position of your groomer on the map so riders can be extra cautious when they know a groomer is on their trail.
* Revenue – each time your clubs data is purchased, we split the profit with your club 50/50.
* Peace of Mind – know where your groomers and operators are 24/7! If they break down you can go directly to them, not send out a search party. If there is an accident you can send help directly there which saves times and could save lives!

There are NO upfront fees for your club, all equipment is covered by Groomer Tracker

Get your club set up here